This week just flew by and it is really sad. I feel like every
time I say this. I may end up jinxing myself ha-ha. But I made it through
another transfer. So hopefully I stay in this Kelmscott area for a little while
longer ha-ha.
This week I have uploaded some pictures of the heat setting
in. The fact is, I am melting but hopefully the sweat will keep my weight down
This week was hype week and Zone p-day which was super fun.
We had the Narrigon Elders up with us to have a Halloween trunk or treat with
the missionaries. We were skeletons ha-ha. The hype week was full of challenges
such as who could hand out the most pass along cards, knock on primary color
doors and so forth. Oh my that was weird the google just auto corrected my
color to colour ha-ha. But all in all it has been a good week to be a
missionary. We were able to participate in two ward events, a cake auction/
sausage sizzle (i.e BBQ) and a YSA fast breaker. So for us that means we got
all the leftovers ha-ha; the best.
I have been doing well drinking heaps and jump roping.
We were able to pick up a couple of new investigators this
week which was really exciting for us. One of the things that we have been
stressing as a Zone is studying the New Testament and Christ’s life in Jesus
the Christ by Talmage. In doing so, we are also trying to help the members with
their missionary work. Our goal for the end of the year as a Zone is to bring
40 people to conversion which means a baptism or a progression of ordinances
which is pretty cool. We are trying our best and the Light the World campaign
is a big thing here so that is really exciting to see everyone getting involved.
Sorry, I can't stay on too long, but just keep swimming.