Sunday, November 25, 2018

New Flat....New Me

Hey Family!

Hey new flat; new me. It is a good week. We are working hard, I am really sunburnt. Other than that not much new. We have a lot of appointments lined up for the coming week. We have to give training at zone conference this week. We are having zone p-day. Not much else. 

As I mentioned last week.  I am in a threesome with my companion and a relatively new Elder.  We are finishing up his training.  

I sleep on the floor like a homeless man. We moved into a small flat that is not big enough for 3 bed frames so it is just me and the mattress. 

Our son Elder Gardner is a savage. It is all good the members have been blessing us in this new ward. One practically gave us a pig roast ! Have a good week.

Love you all.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Smashing the Work!

Hey Family,

This week has blown by. We smashed the work. We began with a good P-day at Lake Monger with the Dianella District. Following that, we attended the Greenmount District's , District Council, received good training on listening and how to begin teaching new people. 

On our days that were not filled with meetings, we grinded out the days finding souls who want to hear or lean more of the gospel. 

Thursday, we had exchanges with the Assistants, Elder Hansen and Elder Heaton. I was with Elder heaton , we had several appointments that went really well. For him not knowing the people we were teaching it was amazing to see him teach the things that they most needed to hear. 

That same day, we had a meeting with the Mission President to discuss transfers and area realignment. I am so glad that out Mission President sincerely loves and cares about each of us. We discussed many things, but now it is up to the Lord to tell us who is going were. 

Our zone is concluding the challenge of visiting 720 members in this past 25 days. Another zone hopped on the band wagon and we are having a zone vs. zone finish so that is fun :) 

If there is any family in the ward that has stood out as the real MVP, it would be the Slopers. Native Australians that are straight up legends. Brother Sloper works in the mines. When he is off, work he puts on a mean feed for us, we teach a powerful lesson and help the daughter who is preparing for a mission. 

Last of all, I have come to love Sunday. Even though it isn't much of a day of rest for missionaries,  it brings a much needed recharge to the batteries and peace that carries into the week. 

I am grateful to be with Elder Harris to work hard and to see others change because of our message. The scripture that has stood out to me in recent days is Alma 29:9. I want to one day echo the words of Alma with the same power and enthusiasm. 

Have a blessed week.  Love you all.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Grateful for the Time I Have to Serve

Hey Gang,

One of the saddest things I am coming to realize is that it is easy to adjust and to go through the motions of Mission. There are a lot of ups and downs, and whilst going on exchanges you can see where you are and where others are in there path back to God. I am so grateful for the time that I have now to serve, it is such a small fleeting time in which to do so. I think in recent weeks I have come a little bit accustomed to the mundane repetitious nature of our days. Good thing it clicked now and not a few weeks down the line. I am trying to treasure this time as best I can but its going pretty fast. 

We have been working hard this past week. Our shaky potentials are now solid potentials. I guess that is a step in the right direction. This week will be a quick one lots of meetings and a lot of exchanges to end the transfer. 

Our Mission President gave me a temple recommend interview and that was a good experience felt the spirit so that is a plus. He also asked heaps of favors. Elder Harris and I now have to plan a couple of firesides and a zone reshuffle to make a more effective use of us as ZL, APs, and STL, and vehicle allotment. 

Other than that we are just lost in the work.

Hope it was a good week.  Love you all.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Story of the Carolina Reaper

Hey Gang.

The go to hymn this week has been "Guide Us Though O Great Jehovah" by TCaTS (Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square). What started off as a joke turned into us really appreciating the hymn. 

Funny story of the week. We went over to a members house for a meal and a message. My companion is a mad guitarist and we got hooked up with one of their inactive sons named Josh. Long story short it was a rocking evening. Josh likes spicy food and following our message gave us a cornchip from hell. It was a Carolina reaper cornchip rated at 1,500,000 scovals. We gave it our best and made it though without winging to much. However I almost passed out because of the damage it did in raising my blood pressure and dropping it so fast. Ha-ha. Good thing I didn't have to drive for a while. 

We have been working hard to visit the members and to build the relationship back up with them. It has been a big blessing. We are interacting and really getting them in the spirit of missionary work. The miracles will come. Not much success at the moment just smashing the tracting and relying on the Lord. 

We had Missionary Leadership counsel and we discussed ideas that will help the mission they are always fun. I got a skux-as haircut by one of our district leaders. I don't think my hair has ever been this short ha-ha. 

Hope everyone has a blessed week. Spiritual thought would have to be related to the Book of Mormon challenge, it has really blessed our companionship and our effectiveness. Keep reading and praying.
