Monday, September 25, 2017

Thought I'd Escaped Transfers; Into the City

The week as a missionary is fun and busy. Since my last emails a lot has happened. Elder Richins and I went up to the Zone P-day and had a blast joining the other Elders and Sisters. We had a talent show and our group did a hula to Moana. We wore crazy wigs and had a blast. We lost the talent show but had a fun time with it.

On Tuesday we were on exchanges with Elder Nelson and Elder Anitenma. We had a blast cooking food and meeting up with their members and the people in their area. Elder Anitenma is teaching me how to fire knife so I will have a show to bring back to the States.

We then left Wednesday and went into the northernmost point of our area called Brookton. We were trying to run down some less-actives that live out in the bush. We tracted into a man that answered the door without any pants. Aussies are weird. Elder Richins and I were able to find the site for this P-day so fingers crossed that we get some good pictures. We came back to the flat and rushed off to branch council meeting.

In the upcoming months our little branch has a lot planned. We are participating in the fairs that they have here. We are setting up a family history booth and are hoping that will bring a lot of success and referrals.

Friday we were able to meet with a fun part member family Gia and Steve and a couple of their relatives. Steve was restoring an old Chevelle and man did it look good. He loves American muscle cars. We were able to meet with an awesome Burmese family. The dad’s name is Myo and they were former investigators and they invited us back so we are excited to begin teaching them.

The weekend was a blur. We were able to do lots of service and to make some quick visits to a lot of the people we have in the area. On Sunday the Stake Young Mens and Young Womens presidents came down and spoke in sacrament meeting but the funny thing is, in our branch we don't have any youth at least not yet haha. Elder Richins and I had a good chat with an American couple that were visiting the branch and laughed about all the food that is different here in Aussie that they don't do in America. She said that the next time she comes down she will hook us up with some root beer!!

We thought that we escaped another transfer call so from the looks of things I was to be staying in Narrogin. Out of the blue the next day, the day of service that we had planned on the Queen’s birthday, we got a call from President Fife calling me to be a District Leader up in the city. That is why I am emailing today.

Keep me in your prayers; I don't feel ready for that. I am going to miss Narrogin but can't wait to see what comes of the new stage of the mission.

These last few days before I get transferred tomorrow I have been saying goodbye to people and started a tradition guess you will have to wait and see what I send back with my Journal. Keep you posted.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Elder Richins and I Are Related?

This week has been a little hectic. After emailing you guys last week, Elder Richins and I went out and bush-wacked in the country. The area in which we were in was called Dryandara village. It was a bush nature reserve area. We got lost around there in search of a Boyagin rock. We eventually made our way back to civilization and we got it all sorted out.

The following day we were stuck inside cleaning the flat up for an inspection which kind of sucked. But can't have the Lord’s servant’s flats looking like a mess. The landlords were pleased so it was all good.

The rest of the week was between Narrogin and Katanning. We found several new potential investigators and got to have fun at a giant playground made for adults which was cool. I enjoyed that.

The problem that we are having lately is that we make really good contacts but the days in which we go back to the towns they are not there for a follow up. We keep finding members that are not on our records left and right so we are doing a bunch of soul saving at the moment.

This weekend we had a feast at Sister Scotts house! Elder Richins and I made some peanut butter cookies and they were eaten up like mad. At the roast night there were about 15 non-members that we keep running into so hopefully our seed planting is going well.

Lastly and most important. Kovelle and the family had a wonderful Sunday of ordinances which was special to watch. Elder Richins and I got to stand in and give a couple of the blessings and conformation things. I have loved being able to serve others through exercising the priesthood.

A side note to the eventful week. Elder Richins and I are related through Dad's side through a man named James Bennett which is funny. It is funny to find that out in Narrogin of all places.

Peace and love sorry for the short emails.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

We Have Mice!

I get along really good with Elder Richins. He comes from a small town in Utah and he wrestled and played football so we have actually a quite a bit in common.

We are working with two non-member kids in a part-member family. Their names are Kat and Xavier. I am a little perplexed with them to be honest. They seem really keen when we go over for family home evenings on Saturdays but the topic of baptism is one that is a little up in the air at the moment. Their mom is a recent convert of almost a year and she is awesome. I don't think they realize what is at stake for them in the long run but it is all good they are kids and they have great interactions with the missionaries about once a week so that can't hurt. We are working with Cindy still. She has shown some interest in maybe doing a bible study with us. She has been an eternal investigator for ages so it is just trying to get her and her partner to commit. We have been able to give an older lady named Janet the sacrament which has been a blast. She can't get around the house all too well but she loves it when we come. She has also shown real interest in the Book of Mormon and the gospel which has been cool to see her attitude towards us change as we have been helping with service at Janet's place.

The branch at the moment seems like it is going to split into two branches. It is exciting because we will be able to get about 20-25 less-active members back to church because of it. From an investigator view point our teaching pool is small. We have about one in every town but it is really hard to set up appointments with them because things come up last minute. We have been out contacting in what Elder Richins and I call the power hours were everyone is home and that is about 3-5 in the evening. We have been able to get a couple of good potentials for investigators. We have an aboriginal couple named Simone and Frank and they are keen to learn the gospel so we are trying our best to usher them along through the lessons and into the Book of Mormon.

This week in particular has been funny I don't know if I said this earlier but we have mice. Elder Richins and I have caught about 4 of them. We also were able to borrow a puzzle from one of our members so we use that to decompress after the day.

This last week in my studies I have found some funny things. One is that no one really talks about Shiblon in chapter 38 of Alma. He is a cool guy and his council pertains to us as members of the church who are striving to do good.

This week Elder Richins and I have been experimenting with food and so that was fun to try new things but we got some stomach aches along the way. 

The highlight of my week came Yesterday. Emmanuel was able to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! It was awesome. I then had the honor of conferring upon him the priesthood. I love when I am able to utilize my priesthood to serve others, that is when I feel the Spirit the most. I hope that I will have plenty of new neat experiences for next week.

Oh I also got a spiffy brown jumper.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Manny Got Baptized!

This week has flown by. Elder Richins and I went to Wave Rock, Hippos Yawn, The Humps and an aboridginal cave which was exciting. I will send pictures soon. You do not know slow computers until you are using a Windows 7 Family History computer out in the sticks.

It’s fun though. We went out to Pingelly, Kojonup, Kattaning, Wagin, Kondinin, Hyden, Wickpen and Williams this week. We are following up with a lot of less actives at the moment and doing the majority of our contacting in the day. The people are great. We have made some solid contact in Pingelly and are planning to go back there this week.

We had the baptism for Manny on Tuesday which was exciting!! We just need to get him the gift of the Holy Ghost. The younger boy we are teaching in the ward is named Kovell. He is from a kiwi family. Sister Tarawa (his mom) made us some amazing burgers.

This area of the mission is funny. Since the majority of the people are farmers or shearers they don't like depending on processed food, so we end up eating really healthy fresh food. The one thing that people in America should try is making crackle along with their roasts it is pretty good. Crackle is the fat of the roast that they take off of the roast and put back in until it is crisped and hard. It is a good little treat if done right. The Aussies really enjoy it. Lamb is also heaps more common over here and that is delicious.

The best way that I have heard Australia phrased is that Australia is America 15 years ago ha-ha. Lately I have been reading in my studies the past teachings of the presidents of the Church, a lot of Joseph Fielding Smith and James E. Talmage.

The majority of the people that we run into are pretty set Christians and think that changing that would be the end of the world. It is weird... growing up in Seattle, we didn't get a lot of interaction with Jehovah Witnesses but man are they present here. Elder Richins and I have been nice but they always try to pick fights so it is a little bit cumbersome. All in all, it has been a good week. We are strengthening the branch in the best way that we can and hoping to plant gospel seeds in many along the way.