Monday, September 25, 2017

Thought I'd Escaped Transfers; Into the City

The week as a missionary is fun and busy. Since my last emails a lot has happened. Elder Richins and I went up to the Zone P-day and had a blast joining the other Elders and Sisters. We had a talent show and our group did a hula to Moana. We wore crazy wigs and had a blast. We lost the talent show but had a fun time with it.

On Tuesday we were on exchanges with Elder Nelson and Elder Anitenma. We had a blast cooking food and meeting up with their members and the people in their area. Elder Anitenma is teaching me how to fire knife so I will have a show to bring back to the States.

We then left Wednesday and went into the northernmost point of our area called Brookton. We were trying to run down some less-actives that live out in the bush. We tracted into a man that answered the door without any pants. Aussies are weird. Elder Richins and I were able to find the site for this P-day so fingers crossed that we get some good pictures. We came back to the flat and rushed off to branch council meeting.

In the upcoming months our little branch has a lot planned. We are participating in the fairs that they have here. We are setting up a family history booth and are hoping that will bring a lot of success and referrals.

Friday we were able to meet with a fun part member family Gia and Steve and a couple of their relatives. Steve was restoring an old Chevelle and man did it look good. He loves American muscle cars. We were able to meet with an awesome Burmese family. The dad’s name is Myo and they were former investigators and they invited us back so we are excited to begin teaching them.

The weekend was a blur. We were able to do lots of service and to make some quick visits to a lot of the people we have in the area. On Sunday the Stake Young Mens and Young Womens presidents came down and spoke in sacrament meeting but the funny thing is, in our branch we don't have any youth at least not yet haha. Elder Richins and I had a good chat with an American couple that were visiting the branch and laughed about all the food that is different here in Aussie that they don't do in America. She said that the next time she comes down she will hook us up with some root beer!!

We thought that we escaped another transfer call so from the looks of things I was to be staying in Narrogin. Out of the blue the next day, the day of service that we had planned on the Queen’s birthday, we got a call from President Fife calling me to be a District Leader up in the city. That is why I am emailing today.

Keep me in your prayers; I don't feel ready for that. I am going to miss Narrogin but can't wait to see what comes of the new stage of the mission.

These last few days before I get transferred tomorrow I have been saying goodbye to people and started a tradition guess you will have to wait and see what I send back with my Journal. Keep you posted.

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