Sunday, February 11, 2018

Zone Conference on USB?

I am enjoying my time in Karratha. The red dirt gets into everything even when you are no where near it. We had the amazing opportunity to fly down to Perth to go to a mission conference. As country Elders, they generally send us the zone conferences on a USB. We low-key missed our flight down. We had our e-ticket printed but apparently that can't be used for boarding who knew. Any way we spent the majority of the week with the Midland Elders, Elder Cooper from Brisbane and Elder Wilsher from Calgary Canada. We had a good time exploring the city and for Elder Mortenson to meet new missionaries for once.

We are pretty isolated up here. We are going to a little town called Cossak today so we will see what is there and let you know how that is. The members might take us fishing for p-day which would be exciting.

Here in Karratha, the mission leader Named Brother Otto does something called the Bread Run.
So for the majority of Sunday after church, we go around handing out fresh bread from the local bakery and deliver it to branch members and investigators or if we have extra just random people.

We had an awesome game night with the Clarke family last night. We got to meet people and do a hakka at Whyatongi day which was fun. (New Zealand day)

I only have a short time. I have enjoyed reading the Peace Giver. We watched an area conference message for church on Sunday which was cool it talked about President Nelson’s life.

I will fill you in on more exciting stuff this week.


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