Monday, April 2, 2018

They Are Pretty Gangsta

This week has flown bye. We were able to hightail it out to Broome this week. That was fun. I got to know a cool Elder from Portugal his name is Elder Silva. We got to watch some regional AFL and that was pretty nuts. If I had any words of wisdom; no sport is as crazy with blind side hits as the AFL (Aussie Football League).

I have enjoyed reading everyone’s Easter messages this week. My companion and I appreciate the “Because of Him” videos that the church puts out every year. They are pretty gangsta.

Not a lot has been happening, but we have seen some miracles this week. There was a family from the nearby ghetto town of Roeburn that moved to Karratha. Kimmi, the mom, and her three kids came to church and stayed all 3 hours so that was a blessing. We have some good member missionary work brewing. That is all that is really needed for the investigators and things to progress in this area is just members getting on board.

I was able to pick up some cool souvenirs in Broome, so look for a package in a month or two ha-ha. I hope all is well back home. The 40 degree heat has been a killer lately. I am excited for it to cool down here in April.

Thanks for all the love and support.

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