Sunday, October 1, 2017

New Companion; Elder Anitema!

Hey Family!  This is the weekly.

Tuesday – The zone leaders came down to Narrogin for the last supper in that area. We had a blast of a time and went to a cool lookout point called Boyagin Rock in Pingelly. I have good memories of the Narrogin area. Elder Richins and I snagged some funny gospel songs off of random people in the street ha-ha. We made an awesome roast that was super good. One thing that Americans don't do is crackle-- it is the extra fat on roasts that get toasted into a hard lolly using oils and things.

Wednesday – Elder Anitema and I are now companions. I love this guy he has been there with me in the district since the beginning. He is from the main Island of Tonga and has a funny sense of humor and loves to cook. He will be a good influence on me; he is the humblest guy I know. We were able to give out a book of Mormon to a Nigerian lady named Adi and so we are going to follow up with here and see how she likes it.

Thursday – We did a lot of follow up with the investigators that Elder Anitema and Elder nelson had in the Kelmscott area. I was blessed to come into an area with good things happening. There are several really keen people to learn the gospel and the members are getting on board to help us bring them in. If there was anything that I would say for home it would be don't be afraid to invite families over for dinner and just casually have the missionaries rock up.

Friday and Saturday – The days of service. We have been doing heaps of service for less actives and people in the area because of the bulk bin collection coming up so everyone wants help to get the weeds done. We were able to help the Pryalls move their house as well with the Sister missionaries in the area. We had an awesome training with the Zone Leaders; President Fife was there.

Sunday – We had an awesome fast Sunday focused on aiding the sick members in the ward so we were bouncing around the area giving blessings and having a good time with our less actives. We have a recent convert in the area named Tipene and he is awesome. To break our fast, he cooked us a mean feed. He is from New Zealand and a funny guy to talk with.

I love experiencing new culture and helping those I can. As for general conference the Aussie people haven’t really watched it yet. We watch it as a stake this Saturday and Sunday. Hope all is well at home.

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly 

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly 

 Boyagin Rock in Pingelly

Elder Richins

 Elder Allen

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly

 Elder Anitema in front of our flat.
 Elder Anitema in front of our flat.

.Good by to Elder Richins and my old District.

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