Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Tale of Two Stories

This past week has been a busy one. It felt like almost every other day we were running up to Thornlie chapel for district meeting, interviews, or Zone Leadership Conference. Using public transportation killed us time wise. We were not able to get to all of the things that we had planned. It has been a good week though. We had two main funny stories.

A Mouri fellow named Jim. He is about 47 and he was drunk as a skunk when we meet him at the shops. He noticed that we could help him (he being from NZ knows that we are missionaries). So we gathered the things he needed and he ended up inviting us over for dinner. Just based on how he was acting when he led us to a really fancy house we thought that he was lying and somehow we would end up having to call President Fife from jail ha-ha. But all ended good, the owner of the house was his ex-partner he is living with so we cooked them a mean feed and ended on good enough terms. We are planning to go back for a sausage sizzle there sometime soon ha-ha.

The second story would have to be the amount of cleaning I have done in the past couple of weeks. We have been helping a disabled man named john get around and to clean his flat. I wish that we had taken pictures but the bottom line is that we come home dressed like we just got back from the mines or something. He is a nice old man but sadly he and his dog are diseased so Tema (Elder Anitema) and I are hoping we don't catch anything ha-ha. However, we were able to make an investigator out of him and he gave us a fishing rod for all of our hard work.

I am slowly getting used to the raw fish thing that the islanders like to make but it will still take some time. A lot of the missionaries like to fish so it will be a good p-day get away ha-ha. We have been working with a lovely family in the ward named the Epinesas and they are from Tonga as well. They put a mean feed on for us and our investigators this past Thursday so we have had enough food to last us till now (Monday) from it ha-ha.

The main goal that we are working on here with the members is member missionary work. One thing I might recommend for back home is writing your testimony in one of the Book of Mormons and highlight some scriptures so that the missionaries can give it away so that people know that there are people who believe and how it has changed their life.

As for today I have planned a District p-day. We are combined with another district and will be playing games and things along with having more food of course ha-ha. I am enjoying it though. Elder Anitema kept me entertained this week by going around and feeding me off of things from the gardens. I would say the highlight was lemon leaf hot milk, it was not to bad ha-ha. 

Love you all.  I will talk to you all soon.

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