Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Good Bye Elder Anitema

This week has been pretty Hectic.

Elder Anitema has left me. He flew to Tonga on Sunday. Hope that somewhere along the lines I will visit him and his people or he will visit us back in the states. He is a gem and I have basically known the guy my whole mission. He will be missed.

My new Companion is Elder Tartaglia from San Giovanni in Marignano, Italy. He speaks Italian, French, German, Spanish, and a tiny bit of English ha-ha. It makes it fun. I am finishing his last 3 weeks of Golden training. They refer to missionaries who just came out as Goldens because they have a spirit and fire about them like none other in the mission. Hopefully we can coast that through into some blessings this transfer.

I am still in Kelmscott. I am no longer a district leader. My district has dissolved into another because of lack of missionaries coming in this most recent transfer. I am a little bummed, the zone is pretty new in terms of people. It just means new people to see and new places to go to. While in between sending Elder Anitema off and getting Elder Tartaglia, I was with the Zone Leaders for 4 days. That has made me appreciate just being a normal missionary. The Zone Leaders are always off helping the ward and other missionaries. I enjoyed it though, it was fast paced and plus I got to mooch off of their food for a while.

This past Saturday I was able to set our investigator John on baptismal date for the 6th of January which is very exciting. I am a little envious of the Christmas sweater weather at the moment because it is boiling lava hot and will only get worse as the season progresses.

I really enjoy reading the Ensign, I never thought that I would but I do on the mission ha-ha.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


That is good that the boys are keeping busy. I feel like I got into the most trouble when I had the least to do. So keep pushing them to do something. There is a talk given some time ago that our mission president gave to us it is called “The Word is Commitment”. I have really enjoyed it. It talks about becoming and a quote that I like from it is “be something” from Abraham Lincolns mother ha-ha.
I have been reading in 3rd Nephi were Jesus is teaching the people. I would say something that has helped me the most in the mission and when I have done it back home has been losing myself in study. It helps me to humble me a bit. This week we had interviews and exchanges. Today we are going to the temple.

I enjoy week five of the transfer it is this week because it is a big spiritual smash and it brings a lot back into perspective for me. Anitema leaves for the mission office next Friday it is interesting to see what it is like at the beginning of a mission and how people develop in the end of one. I guess that is me for now.

I have been getting weird tan and burn lines. I will keep you updated on new companion stuff and all that jazz when it comes. We have Zone p-day next Monday at the skews a missionary couples and we are having a big sausage sizzle or barbie ha-ha.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Elders P-Day

It has been a long week. We are pretty beat. Our investigator John has come to church twice now which is really cool. We have been doing lots of service. Today we helped one of the ward members move. Today is Elders p-day so we are going to North Coogee Beach this week to play sport and some BBQ . We will see. Next week I will be emailing on Thursday because we are going to temple.
Sorry I don't have a lot of time to email these days.

Love you

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Fire and Damnation

This week has been awesome. I got to meet the new elder from Austria. I could not tell you his name or how to spell it but he is pretty cool. He is being trained by the Zone Leaders. This week we had two exchanges. So that means it went by crazy fast. Exchanges are the best because when you get a group of missionaries together they are not distracted and put the nose to the grindstone and get to work.

The highlight of the week, we had our Investigator John come to church. He rode his goffer all the way from the train station and he enjoyed it. Hopefully with the members help we can make a difference and change that man’s life.

The Zone conference was this week. President Fife is the type of mission president that likes to spit damnation and hell fire at you from the pulpit. It is a good thing a lot of us missionaries need it. The goal for us at the moment is to take this semi-dead area of Kelmscott and turn it into a model missionary area that others can look up to. That was the council that was given to us as missionary leaders.

I personally am trying to refocus myself a little. Ground myself to the good things and forsake the bad. We as a Zone have a goal of saving 40 souls which either means back to activity or baptism. We are on our way there. I would say if any aspect of my life has changed since coming on the mission it would be that the love I have for myself, others, and God has increased. I love it when the Brethren say that we have divine potential it gives me some hope.

Sorry to cut it short this week but I will try to get better at it. Make sure to check the pictures we had some fun times.

Elder Gunter.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Unusual Size and Persistence

I'd say the biggest take away of this week has been that bugs are the worst thing ever created. They are of unusual size and persistence here. The flies, man I will invent something to irradicate them. The heat has been fun. It is getting so stinking hot and it is a dry-as heat. We are just trying to keep hydrated and motivated to keep biking. 
The Area has been lovely though, we meet people everyday that have good contact with the missionaries but are not interested. We are able to have good chats with everyone. I think it is funny the 20 somethings here play pranks on the missionaries but because of it we are able to hand out Books of Mormon and give them a little bit of the spirit as they giggle for actually talking to us. 
There is a big stigma that religion is bad. The Aussies and the aboriginals stay away from us for the most part but there is a big connection we are able to make with all the other cultures. I think that going into this Christmas season we will have more success. A lot of people here believe in a Heavenly Father and being saved so that is a plus. 
I have loved hearing from everyone. I think for the moment the mission is trying to humble me. If my mission resident had some words that could be said out to everyone is that we are all prideful little potlickers ha-ha. 
I am excited for Zone conference this week and exchanges this week. I'll keep you posted on the watch tan line ha-ha.

Sunday, November 5, 2017


This week just flew by and it is really sad. I feel like every time I say this. I may end up jinxing myself ha-ha. But I made it through another transfer. So hopefully I stay in this Kelmscott area for a little while longer ha-ha.

This week I have uploaded some pictures of the heat setting in. The fact is, I am melting but hopefully the sweat will keep my weight down ha-ha.

This week was hype week and Zone p-day which was super fun. We had the Narrigon Elders up with us to have a Halloween trunk or treat with the missionaries. We were skeletons ha-ha. The hype week was full of challenges such as who could hand out the most pass along cards, knock on primary color doors and so forth. Oh my that was weird the google just auto corrected my color to colour ha-ha. But all in all it has been a good week to be a missionary. We were able to participate in two ward events, a cake auction/ sausage sizzle (i.e BBQ) and a YSA fast breaker. So for us that means we got all the leftovers ha-ha; the best.

I have been doing well drinking heaps and jump roping.

We were able to pick up a couple of new investigators this week which was really exciting for us. One of the things that we have been stressing as a Zone is studying the New Testament and Christ’s life in Jesus the Christ by Talmage. In doing so, we are also trying to help the members with their missionary work. Our goal for the end of the year as a Zone is to bring 40 people to conversion which means a baptism or a progression of ordinances which is pretty cool. We are trying our best and the Light the World campaign is a big thing here so that is really exciting to see everyone getting involved. 

Sorry, I can't stay on too long, but just keep swimming.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Stolen Bikes!

The week has been really a blur so this will be a little short.

I would say the most fascinating thing that would peak some interest would be that Elder Anitema and I got our bikes stolen on Saturday. So today, we are going to the police station to try and figure it out ha-ha. I have been given a Sisters bike I believe based on the seat and the style of bike ha-ha.
Today the Narrogin Elders, my old companion Elder Richins and Elder Nelson, are with us for Zone p-day. We are having a trunk or treat with prizes so that should be fun ha-ha. The Halloween craze hasn't caught on here at all so that is kind of funny. It is just an excuse to buy cheap lollies.

We have been pretty booked for the last week or so of the transfer; it has been busy. We are trying our best to keep it that way because a lot of the missionary efforts kind of die down when transfers are approaching. We are working hard and doing are best. But man does it make you tired. This missionary thing makes for some long days. It is always enjoyable.

Since I don't have a lot to talk about, I will talk about the little things. Poly's generally are the most sincere people you will meet. They always are serving. So when we make meals Tema tries to make everything and to wash all of the dishes. I don't let him and that is why we get along. When we say our prayers even though it is probably taboo we include stuff in there about each other’s future wife to lift our spirits ha-ha. Tema laughs all the time and it is a crack up. I will have to get a recording of it sometime ha-ha. The thing that we are prepping for at the moment is the Light the World campaign by the church they have in a lot of money to personalize it to WA and SA so that the people can get involved. It should be fun to see how everything unfolds.



Sunday, October 22, 2017

A Tale of Two Stories

This past week has been a busy one. It felt like almost every other day we were running up to Thornlie chapel for district meeting, interviews, or Zone Leadership Conference. Using public transportation killed us time wise. We were not able to get to all of the things that we had planned. It has been a good week though. We had two main funny stories.

A Mouri fellow named Jim. He is about 47 and he was drunk as a skunk when we meet him at the shops. He noticed that we could help him (he being from NZ knows that we are missionaries). So we gathered the things he needed and he ended up inviting us over for dinner. Just based on how he was acting when he led us to a really fancy house we thought that he was lying and somehow we would end up having to call President Fife from jail ha-ha. But all ended good, the owner of the house was his ex-partner he is living with so we cooked them a mean feed and ended on good enough terms. We are planning to go back for a sausage sizzle there sometime soon ha-ha.

The second story would have to be the amount of cleaning I have done in the past couple of weeks. We have been helping a disabled man named john get around and to clean his flat. I wish that we had taken pictures but the bottom line is that we come home dressed like we just got back from the mines or something. He is a nice old man but sadly he and his dog are diseased so Tema (Elder Anitema) and I are hoping we don't catch anything ha-ha. However, we were able to make an investigator out of him and he gave us a fishing rod for all of our hard work.

I am slowly getting used to the raw fish thing that the islanders like to make but it will still take some time. A lot of the missionaries like to fish so it will be a good p-day get away ha-ha. We have been working with a lovely family in the ward named the Epinesas and they are from Tonga as well. They put a mean feed on for us and our investigators this past Thursday so we have had enough food to last us till now (Monday) from it ha-ha.

The main goal that we are working on here with the members is member missionary work. One thing I might recommend for back home is writing your testimony in one of the Book of Mormons and highlight some scriptures so that the missionaries can give it away so that people know that there are people who believe and how it has changed their life.

As for today I have planned a District p-day. We are combined with another district and will be playing games and things along with having more food of course ha-ha. I am enjoying it though. Elder Anitema kept me entertained this week by going around and feeding me off of things from the gardens. I would say the highlight was lemon leaf hot milk, it was not to bad ha-ha. 

Love you all.  I will talk to you all soon.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fruit Cakes

At the library we are allowed two sessions and depending on the session it could be a max of 30 min or a max of 2 hrs it just depends on computer reservations and what the people are up to that day at the library. Today will be pretty short so I am sorry about that.

Lately I have been cooking fruit cake stuff for Elder Anitema and he just loves them it is pretty funny. What I mean by fruit cakes are banana bread and peach cobbler and things. We have a sweet tooth in our flat and it takes all of our MSF ha-ha.

We are doing good though we have plenty of stuff to keep us busy these last little bit. Our mission president has made it a personal goal to do about 5 hrs of personal finding a day which is heaps. We are teaching about 5 or 6 investigators or what you might call eternagators. They don't want to keep the commitments and so it is really hard to progress them to baptism.

The recent convert in our area Tipene is a Mouri fellow and he is hilarious. Every other night we check up on him and his flat mate and have a meal share a message and all of that jazz. I don't know if you have been following Megan’s stuff but she currently is battling lice which I think is just hilarious ha-ha. We don't have similar problems. The flat is one of the oldest in the mission a couple of the doors are busted but all is good.

I am loving what I am doing and so that is all that matters. I was able to go to the temple last week and that just made the transfer that much better. I was able to get one of my first purchases completed on the mission. I know am the proud owner of a Tupenu and Lavalava. They are islander attire and are the best ha-ha so I will be wearing them home instead of my suit just so that you guys know ha-ha. I like being closer to and interacting with other missionaries though that has been great.
Lately we have been having hot flashes and then late spring storms so one day we are dying of heat the next we get soaked. I am keeping my head above the water doing lots of personal studies and personal finding which has been a blessing.

I hope all is well at home. It sounds like your lives revolve around football, soccer and work. I got a little insight to what it means to be an adult and it looks suckish ha-ha.

Pray for the missionaries.  Have them talk to your friends.


 More fruit bread made with love.  Older.

 Elder Richins is still in my hammock. Older

 Elder Richins.  Older

 Elder Anitema doing dishes.

 Elder Anitema.

 Who knew this worked to keep pesky hairs in place.

Me in my Lavalava.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Heading to the Temple.

Hey, sorry for the weird email schedule the past few weeks but it should go back to normal now. We are going to the temple so we had to switch our P-day to Thursday to be able to go. We are loving it in the Kelmscott area. One of the perks of the city is public transport and being able to go to the shops and get what you need. There are also a lot more people to contact into and talk to just running about near the mall.

This week has really flown by with both Zone Conference and General Conference. Watch out my mission president may be the next apostle... JK, but it feels that way. The Zone Conference was awesome the country Elders came up and we got to gather together and talk with all of the missionaries haha. I think President Fife must have watched General Conference before it aired in Aussie-land because he said some of the same things that were mentioned in Conference. General Conference here airs a week later and most of the members watch it at their homes. Us as missionaries were camped out at the Stake Center and watched the sessions there and between would get food or do an area blitz to help the Sisters near that chapel.

Elder Anitema is the one who does all the crazy islander dancing and such so he is teaching me a bit. He is also trying to teach me Tongan before he goes home (he is done in December).

The area is funny. The majority of the Aussies hate missionaries. The islanders know of the church or are former members so we get along and they feed us but won't keep any commitments that we give them. A big stress this past bit has been doing as much finding as we can. We have pushed all of our lessons not with investigators to as late in the evening and just tract during the days. It has been fun though. That is where the stories are made. Elder Anitema and I had a fun dance session at the train station last night.

This past week I gave my first training to the missionaries in the District. That is partially true - we had to combine with another District because it couldn't just be us and the sisters so we were with Jandakot district. Elder Lamosetelle and I gave a mean training though on likening all the conference's and the revelation we received to missionary work.

I am kinda sad... in this mission it is unlikely that you see county areas twice so I am praying that I get sent to Geraldton or one of the Northern areas by the end.

We are teaching at the moment about three YSA individuals who are investigators and that is going really well. The problem is just the slow progression. I guess I have got to learn to be satisfied with what I can get at the moment. We have been caught up in service lately. The people enjoy our help and so we give heaps of it. And to cap it off we had a flat inspection. The days have been really busy but it has helped me to fall asleep a little better at night ha-ha. Hope all is well on the home front


 Ah.  The old hammock.

 Banana Bread

 Elder Anitema.

 Elder Anitema.

 Gotta love Tongan cooking.

Elder Anitema catching some zzzz's.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

New Companion; Elder Anitema!

Hey Family!  This is the weekly.

Tuesday – The zone leaders came down to Narrogin for the last supper in that area. We had a blast of a time and went to a cool lookout point called Boyagin Rock in Pingelly. I have good memories of the Narrogin area. Elder Richins and I snagged some funny gospel songs off of random people in the street ha-ha. We made an awesome roast that was super good. One thing that Americans don't do is crackle-- it is the extra fat on roasts that get toasted into a hard lolly using oils and things.

Wednesday – Elder Anitema and I are now companions. I love this guy he has been there with me in the district since the beginning. He is from the main Island of Tonga and has a funny sense of humor and loves to cook. He will be a good influence on me; he is the humblest guy I know. We were able to give out a book of Mormon to a Nigerian lady named Adi and so we are going to follow up with here and see how she likes it.

Thursday – We did a lot of follow up with the investigators that Elder Anitema and Elder nelson had in the Kelmscott area. I was blessed to come into an area with good things happening. There are several really keen people to learn the gospel and the members are getting on board to help us bring them in. If there was anything that I would say for home it would be don't be afraid to invite families over for dinner and just casually have the missionaries rock up.

Friday and Saturday – The days of service. We have been doing heaps of service for less actives and people in the area because of the bulk bin collection coming up so everyone wants help to get the weeds done. We were able to help the Pryalls move their house as well with the Sister missionaries in the area. We had an awesome training with the Zone Leaders; President Fife was there.

Sunday – We had an awesome fast Sunday focused on aiding the sick members in the ward so we were bouncing around the area giving blessings and having a good time with our less actives. We have a recent convert in the area named Tipene and he is awesome. To break our fast, he cooked us a mean feed. He is from New Zealand and a funny guy to talk with.

I love experiencing new culture and helping those I can. As for general conference the Aussie people haven’t really watched it yet. We watch it as a stake this Saturday and Sunday. Hope all is well at home.

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly 

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly 

 Boyagin Rock in Pingelly

Elder Richins

 Elder Allen

Boyagin Rock in Pingelly

 Elder Anitema in front of our flat.
 Elder Anitema in front of our flat.

.Good by to Elder Richins and my old District.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Thought I'd Escaped Transfers; Into the City

The week as a missionary is fun and busy. Since my last emails a lot has happened. Elder Richins and I went up to the Zone P-day and had a blast joining the other Elders and Sisters. We had a talent show and our group did a hula to Moana. We wore crazy wigs and had a blast. We lost the talent show but had a fun time with it.

On Tuesday we were on exchanges with Elder Nelson and Elder Anitenma. We had a blast cooking food and meeting up with their members and the people in their area. Elder Anitenma is teaching me how to fire knife so I will have a show to bring back to the States.

We then left Wednesday and went into the northernmost point of our area called Brookton. We were trying to run down some less-actives that live out in the bush. We tracted into a man that answered the door without any pants. Aussies are weird. Elder Richins and I were able to find the site for this P-day so fingers crossed that we get some good pictures. We came back to the flat and rushed off to branch council meeting.

In the upcoming months our little branch has a lot planned. We are participating in the fairs that they have here. We are setting up a family history booth and are hoping that will bring a lot of success and referrals.

Friday we were able to meet with a fun part member family Gia and Steve and a couple of their relatives. Steve was restoring an old Chevelle and man did it look good. He loves American muscle cars. We were able to meet with an awesome Burmese family. The dad’s name is Myo and they were former investigators and they invited us back so we are excited to begin teaching them.

The weekend was a blur. We were able to do lots of service and to make some quick visits to a lot of the people we have in the area. On Sunday the Stake Young Mens and Young Womens presidents came down and spoke in sacrament meeting but the funny thing is, in our branch we don't have any youth at least not yet haha. Elder Richins and I had a good chat with an American couple that were visiting the branch and laughed about all the food that is different here in Aussie that they don't do in America. She said that the next time she comes down she will hook us up with some root beer!!

We thought that we escaped another transfer call so from the looks of things I was to be staying in Narrogin. Out of the blue the next day, the day of service that we had planned on the Queen’s birthday, we got a call from President Fife calling me to be a District Leader up in the city. That is why I am emailing today.

Keep me in your prayers; I don't feel ready for that. I am going to miss Narrogin but can't wait to see what comes of the new stage of the mission.

These last few days before I get transferred tomorrow I have been saying goodbye to people and started a tradition guess you will have to wait and see what I send back with my Journal. Keep you posted.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Elder Richins and I Are Related?

This week has been a little hectic. After emailing you guys last week, Elder Richins and I went out and bush-wacked in the country. The area in which we were in was called Dryandara village. It was a bush nature reserve area. We got lost around there in search of a Boyagin rock. We eventually made our way back to civilization and we got it all sorted out.

The following day we were stuck inside cleaning the flat up for an inspection which kind of sucked. But can't have the Lord’s servant’s flats looking like a mess. The landlords were pleased so it was all good.

The rest of the week was between Narrogin and Katanning. We found several new potential investigators and got to have fun at a giant playground made for adults which was cool. I enjoyed that.

The problem that we are having lately is that we make really good contacts but the days in which we go back to the towns they are not there for a follow up. We keep finding members that are not on our records left and right so we are doing a bunch of soul saving at the moment.

This weekend we had a feast at Sister Scotts house! Elder Richins and I made some peanut butter cookies and they were eaten up like mad. At the roast night there were about 15 non-members that we keep running into so hopefully our seed planting is going well.

Lastly and most important. Kovelle and the family had a wonderful Sunday of ordinances which was special to watch. Elder Richins and I got to stand in and give a couple of the blessings and conformation things. I have loved being able to serve others through exercising the priesthood.

A side note to the eventful week. Elder Richins and I are related through Dad's side through a man named James Bennett which is funny. It is funny to find that out in Narrogin of all places.

Peace and love sorry for the short emails.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

We Have Mice!

I get along really good with Elder Richins. He comes from a small town in Utah and he wrestled and played football so we have actually a quite a bit in common.

We are working with two non-member kids in a part-member family. Their names are Kat and Xavier. I am a little perplexed with them to be honest. They seem really keen when we go over for family home evenings on Saturdays but the topic of baptism is one that is a little up in the air at the moment. Their mom is a recent convert of almost a year and she is awesome. I don't think they realize what is at stake for them in the long run but it is all good they are kids and they have great interactions with the missionaries about once a week so that can't hurt. We are working with Cindy still. She has shown some interest in maybe doing a bible study with us. She has been an eternal investigator for ages so it is just trying to get her and her partner to commit. We have been able to give an older lady named Janet the sacrament which has been a blast. She can't get around the house all too well but she loves it when we come. She has also shown real interest in the Book of Mormon and the gospel which has been cool to see her attitude towards us change as we have been helping with service at Janet's place.

The branch at the moment seems like it is going to split into two branches. It is exciting because we will be able to get about 20-25 less-active members back to church because of it. From an investigator view point our teaching pool is small. We have about one in every town but it is really hard to set up appointments with them because things come up last minute. We have been out contacting in what Elder Richins and I call the power hours were everyone is home and that is about 3-5 in the evening. We have been able to get a couple of good potentials for investigators. We have an aboriginal couple named Simone and Frank and they are keen to learn the gospel so we are trying our best to usher them along through the lessons and into the Book of Mormon.

This week in particular has been funny I don't know if I said this earlier but we have mice. Elder Richins and I have caught about 4 of them. We also were able to borrow a puzzle from one of our members so we use that to decompress after the day.

This last week in my studies I have found some funny things. One is that no one really talks about Shiblon in chapter 38 of Alma. He is a cool guy and his council pertains to us as members of the church who are striving to do good.

This week Elder Richins and I have been experimenting with food and so that was fun to try new things but we got some stomach aches along the way. 

The highlight of my week came Yesterday. Emmanuel was able to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! It was awesome. I then had the honor of conferring upon him the priesthood. I love when I am able to utilize my priesthood to serve others, that is when I feel the Spirit the most. I hope that I will have plenty of new neat experiences for next week.

Oh I also got a spiffy brown jumper.