Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hectic Week

This last week has been pretty hectic. It flew bye with doors being shut at every tracting opportunity but that is just how it goes some days. We did a big feed for the Senior Training Leader's going home this and next transfer. We gave them traditional Tongan food, sang for them "We are Warriors" and preformed a haka. I will see if I can get the videos from someone. Transfers will be announced following Stake Conference this Sunday which is exciting. I think me and Elder Paongo will stay together for at least one more transfer but who knows.

The baptism that we were supposed to have two days ago fell through. Manny was having really difficult family life and needed to live with his dad for a couple days outside our area. We were unable to reach him. He is strong though just needs to be in town and he will be baptized so hopefully in a week or two.

We have two awesome investigators Chevon and PJ two girls from Katanning that are keen on learning on the gospel. They have come to church a bunch and are just finishing the discussions with us. So hopefully we can get them involved and members of the church ASAP. They are great and bring a little bit of happiness to our small branch. This week we did some service and visiting the elderly members. One of them, Janet, fell and almost broke her hip so we went over on Wednesday to help as best we can. Oddly enough her care giver was given a Book of Mormon and along with her husband wants to quit smoking. They have become potentials and we will try to get more details from them so that we can teach them. Everything seems to be falling into place which is really nice.

I made some food from home this week and got a little back in return. I made Manly Goulash for my companion and we have been using that as the go to meal for after workouts and things. Funny enough Maori bread is just like Navajo Flat bread like we make at home so that was a meal that I appreciated greatly from our members.

They ask us to read a couple of books while on the mission and I have just fallen in love lately with Our Search for Happiness by elder Ballard and Our History. I have also started reading books that are lying around the missionary flats that are other church leader written books which are a good read as well.

I am loving Narrogin and the people. The branch is small about 15 active and 60 on the roster. We have a lot of souls to reclaim. We don't have callings but we teach and fill in everywhere all the time. The presidency there have tough jobs and need to be away for Sundays sometimes so we just help. Our branch has a lot of older members. Barely any young families. The Investigators are keen too which is good so we are excited

Oh yah I posted a picture of our little Elderly body weight gym park ha-ha. We found it while tracting ha-ha. We generally just play rugby touch with all of the missionaries in our zone. It has been rainy though so basically it is just a giant mud fest ha-ha.

 Gotta love my cooking!

Our workout equipment we......found.

Practicing Haka.

 Cooking Lu!

Singing at the STL party.

Performing Haka!

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