Sunday, August 27, 2017

Pullin' Weeds

Unfortunately, the internet here is really bad. We are working with what we have though.
This week has been busy. We have been driving all over the area to see less actives and to do heaps of contacting. We are talking with a Catholic lady from the Community Garden. She had us do yard work for her and then she made us some funky herbal food. The Community here is very much into the natural remedies and recipes.

Elder Richins and I have a big P-day planned, we are heading out to Wave Rock over past Kondinin. We will take loads of pictures and see if we can stop by the wildlife sanctuary if we have the time.

I love it out here. The members are so spot on. The people are still really unreceptive but that is ok. The weather is picking up and we are almost in the 20's. President Fife has limited our travel so we will be spending all of our time exclusively in our area and have very little interactions with other Elders except for zone conference and for zone p-day so that is a bummer.

Everything is going well. We are teaching an 8-year old branch member and meeting with his family under direction of the Branch President to get him ready for baptism.

The Community Garden put us to work and we were there for hours pulling weeds and moving bark and mulch. Love you lots and will keep you posted in the coming weeks with pictures and more emails...hopefully.    

As close to a castle as we get out here. 

Elder Paongo has moved on by signing his name.

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