Sunday, August 20, 2017

New Companion: Elder Richins.

This week has been a little hectic. Me and Elder Paongo traveled to the out reaches of our area into a town call Kattaning. We visited two less active members named Stevie and Johnalee. They are two sister and they are crack up. We enjoyed the scenery and got some cool pictures of what the country is actually like over here. It is really green and full of color.

The following morning, we got a phone call from our Mission President, President Fife. Elder Paongo got emergency transferred to be a Zone Leader up in North Coast. My training is complete so I am no longer a greenie. My new companion is from Hanifer, Utah and his name is Elder Richins. He is awesome and we are contacting heaps here in the country. If that wasn't enough his first Sunday here in the branch the Stake Presidency came down and called a new Elders Quorum President and a new Branch Presidency. So there was heaps going on in our small town.

The area of Kattaning in the next little bit here might be able to form a branch and that would be amazing. There are plenty of members and less actives down there and that is because it is a 1:20 minute drive to chapel. So lots going on.

At the moment Manny is having a rough ride. We are trying our best to get him to the chapel to be baptized as soon as possible but he is just out of the area because of family issues. I am hoping that Elder Richins and I can get a lot done this transfer and widen the teaching pool by a lot.

All is going well though, I am enjoying every second of it and can't wait for Zone Conference this Friday. We visited an elderly lady named Janette. I may have talked about her before but this time was a little funny. On Sunday we cleaned her house a bit, lit her fire. We got talking about animals and turns out there are rare almost extinct animals in WA. She has kept some that she has found in here deep storage freezer! She showed us some of the bandicoots which was crack up.

We use the library in Narrogin for Internet.  It is alright internet wise. However, they are charging us though 4$ an hour to use the computers though which bites.

I was sad when Elder Paongo got transferred. It is all good though and honestly it is like trying to know the way of the spirit. President Fife does what he feels the spirit tells him to so it is all good.

We are joining the gardening club here in Narrogin so hopefully we can get through to the people and do some more service for them in that way. The people don't like us, some even have signs saying no Jehovah Witness and no Mormons ha-ha. We knock anyway and see what comes from it ha-ha.

Hope everything is well on the home front.

Field outside Kattaning. 

More of the fields outside Kattaning. 

 Lake outside Kattaning.

More of the lake. 

 Who knew?

Elder Richins and I at the library.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys are having a blast! Keep up the good work!
